Trademark Registration Online


Register Your Brand Name

Definition Of Trademark Registration

A trademark is a unique symbol or name (s) used to represent a business or its products. Once registered, the same token or chain of words may not be used by any other organization, indefinitely, as long as it remains in use and is subject to the appropriate paperwork and fees.

Unlike copyright, which is granted for a period of 20 years, trademarks do not end there. Companies need to apply for and obtain a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to seek protection from copies, however.

Over time, trademarks are the same as the company name, so you do not even need to see the name to identify a particular business. Think of the apple with the bite-sized Apple as its brand, the swoosh brand that Nike puts on all of its products or McDonald’s gold medal that was registered decades ago.

The fact that we easily associate brands and names with companies and their products is one of the major advantages of their use. When a customer sees a standard logo or phrase, they have instant recognition, which can drive your favorite and, ultimately, sell.

Trademark Service Provider

To indicate that a trademark is branded companies use one of three brands:

™ — You are using a trademark mark after a logo or phrase that warns competitors to sue the trademark or phrase as yours, but you do not need to apply for it legally.

® — Only trademarks officially issued by the Trademark Office may use the ® trademark, which represents a registered trademark.

℠ — Companies that sell services, not products, have the option to use the service logo, but most use ™ to make things easier.

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Although a trademark is issued for the life of a company or product, businesses need to be aware that phrases become commonplace. This happens mostly when people use a company brand name to refer to all similar products or processes. Consider Kleenex for facial tissue or Xerox for photocopying. To continue to search for this trademark, those companies need to inform people who misuse the name to stop.

Benefits of Registration

Once a trademark is issued, the owner receives three important benefits:

Claim notice to any other business considering using the same brand or name as its trademark

Legal speculation of ownership, which can help protect potential users

The exclusive right to use the required trademark

Completing the Trademark Application

In India Trademarks are registered on the basis of the rules and regulations set out in (a) Trademark Act, 1999 and (b) Trademark Laws, 2002. In accordance with the Laws and Rules, a trademark application must be filed with the trademark register in the prescribed form and prescribed fees.

Who can Get a brand Name in India?

Anyone or anyone claiming to be the owner of a trademark may apply for a trademark in respect of the desired details of the goods or services.

What is the Marque’s Empire?

In the case of Indian Applicants, the State of Jurisdiction / relevant office will be the area under the jurisdiction of the applicant’s business and in the case of the Foreign Applicant, the State of Jurisdiction / relevant office will be the area under the jurisdiction of the applicant’s attorney/attorney. The five officials of the Trade Marks Registry in India are as follows: -

The Details Of Trademark Jurisdiction

Name, address, and nationality of the landowner;

The legal status of property owner i.e. ownership, partnership, individual, HUF, the embedded body;

That the owner is the manufacturer, retailer, service provider

The trademark will be used eg a brand name, device marker, label, composite tag, etc.

Symbol language (if available in any language other than English);

Translation or Tracing of Trademarks (if in any language other than English));

Category of goods or services in respect of where a trademark will be affixed;

Specification of goods or services as a good Nice arrangement in respect of where the trademark will be placed;

Trademark user details eg Proposed to be used or if the mark is used for sale should be entered with the date of first use (dd / mm / yy);

Address of service in India details which means the address of the attorney/agent;

Trademark Status or Exclusion (if any, such as color search, compliance with the previous Trademark, use required by the predecessor, etc.);

Related Trademark (if any);

In the event that the application is in the first/standard setting the details of the trademark;

What Documents Needed?

• Power of Attorney (Form TM-48) — Power of Attorney is required when a request is made by an attorney/attorney on behalf of the applicant. Although it is not mandatory to bring the Power of Attorney at the time of application. However, a legally registered Power of Attorney should be filed soon to avoid objections from the Registry Marks Registry and delays in prosecution.

Full Trademark Completion: The Indian Trademark Registry recently launched the full Trademark Completion service, which enables online filing of trademarks and facilitates the entry of the above-mentioned information and the required online documentation. A complete e-filing site for trademarks can be found at



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